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Competition Advertising

From our experience advertising with us noticeably increases number of people coming to the event. We believe you would like to increase number of competitors and guests. Check why to advertise on the Internet?.

There are several ways we can promote it. They are of course not mutually exclusive.

  1. We offer all sorts of advert types from link exchange, through Future events to graphical banners.
    See advertising techniques and prices.
  2. We can enter into some kind of business agreement. For example we can sell tickets for your event from our site.
  3. Combined promotion action (paid by tickets sold by us)
  4. Of course we can also design a website for your competition if you are unhappy with your present one.
  5. We can provide online registration for your competitors.
  6. Your competition will be listed in our Future Events section on the main Home page.

We will create a mini-page for your competition which shows after click on the link. On the mini-page the customer will be able to find all the basic information, including the link to your own website, address, list of events, link to map/location, contact details. Optionally we can include a link to the registration and ticket selling facility, which we can provide.

This type of advert costs £50 per week or and you can insert it yourself at Add future event.
