Volodymyr Sharapov and Lenka Kominkova split

Volodymyr Sharapov and Lenka Kominkova split

Colocado terça-feira, 12 abr 2016, 22:27 por Voffka
Lido: 7.725

After six months of dancing together Volodymyr Sharapov and Lenka Kominkova were forced to finish their partnership due to injury. They represented Poland. In the beginning of the year they competed at the UK Open in Bournemouth, England and were placed in the semi final (8th place) of the Amateur Rising Star Latin, and in the top 39 of the Amateur Latin event. See their results and photos.

Volodymyr and Lenka would like to thank their coaches and everybody who supported them.

Volodymyr is now looking for a new partner to continue his dancing career.

Voffka quarta-feira, 13 abr 2016, 09:16

Volodymyr e-mail: vladimir.sharapov1@gmail.com
